As a rich experienced supplier of high
precision optics and fiber components, Photonchina are specialized in providing
of the following products range,
Spherical lens: convex-concave lens, achromatic doublets etc, with the surface
quality of 10-5, centration error less than 3 min, we are one of the few suppliers
to achieve this high level accuracy.
Cylindrical lens, offers custom-made service with the assurance of excellent
Aspherical lens and acylindrical lens have
also been supplied to meet customer demand around the globe.
Flat optics has
a whole range of quartz waveplates from true zero order
to achromatic type. Polarization beam splitter(PBS) and the
smallest size of 0.5mm right angle prism are all available.
High power waveplate and PBS have been our core products. Besides, standard or
customized mirrors,windows are ready for customers’ inquiry.
Crystal materials have long been among
Photonchina specialties, including YVO4,LiNbO3,BBO,CaF2,Calcite and relevant
polarizers such as Glan taylor polarizer, Wollaston polarizer etc.
企业经济性质: 有限责任公司
企业类型: 生产加工
公司注册地: 福建 福州 仓山区 福州金山工业区
注册资金: 人民币 100 - 250 万元
成立时间: 2020
员工人数: 51 - 100 人
月产量: 60万片
年营业额: 人民币 250 - 500 万元
年出口额: 人民币 50 - 100 万元
主要经营地点: 福建 福州 仓山区 福州金山工业区
主要客户: 光通讯厂商,激光器件厂商,医疗设备厂商,仪器仪表厂商
厂房面积: 1000
是否提供OEM代加工: 是
开户银行: 中国银行
主要市场: 北美,欧洲,日本,韩国,中国大陆等
主营产品或服务: 微透镜,C-lens,波片,棱镜,YVO4晶体,透镜,偏振分光棱镜PBS, 格兰激光透镜,反射镜,窗片。